Before you throw away a bad computer hard disk let Abiontec take a look at it. We recover lost data from hard disk. Before you give away your hard disk let us wipe it clean of any data!
--The Hard Disk Doctor.

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Abiontec received a contract for the supply and installtion of UPass from CBN.

Abiontec completed installation of bandwidth management appliance at NCC.

Completed Door Access Control project for Canopy Hotels, Abuja.
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Abiontec Ltd
Technology Helping People
  Forensic & Lost Data Recovery Services
  We provide data recovery and computer forensic services for mobile phones, PDAs and hard disks.
  Abiontec also markets equipment for data recovery. Before you give up on your bad hard disk drive,
  please bring it to us for possible lost data recovery operation. Call 070-6329-0600

  Hard Disk Forensic & Data Recovery Equipment
   These are state of the art tools for recovering lost or damaged computer hard disk data. Three major types of forensic tools will be presented in this proposal; Atoola, NFDR and King Dami. The features and benefits of each type will be discussed.
The tools provide the following functionality:
  •    Bad computer hard disk data recovery.
  •    Low level erasure of hard disk data making it impossible to recover sensitive data.
  •    Hard disk duplication for preservation.
  •    Unlock of password protected hard drives for investigation purposes.
  •    Hard disk health analysis.

Features and Benefits:
     Some seized computers may have some bad hard disk with data that needs to be recovered for investigation purposes. Also, once in a while a computer hard disk in a used by a staff of your organization goes bad. This is most often the case with Notebook or Laptop computers.  Most data in a bad computer hard disk can be recovered. There are exceptions when it cannot be recovered due to total mechanical damage of the hard disks.
     This provides for a reliable way to erase or wipe a hard disk before disposing it or giving it away. Some times an organization may need to dispose computers no longer needed but will want to make sure that it does not contain any sensitive or confidential data. The erasure is at a low level making sure that the erased data cannot ever be recovered. Formatting a hard disk will erase the data, but it can be recovered. The low level erasure is quite different from formatting.
     The first step in processing a seized computer or a computer under investigation is to make a forensic copy of the hard disk drive for preservation. This preserved hard disk copy is important as evidence for court cases. It also allows the investigator to request an original copy of the disk should some files be accidentally deleted.

Copyright Abiontec Ltd, 2010.
ATOOLA-J1100 Tool for ATA and SATA

King Dami 1 To 2 Forensic Duplicator for ATA, SATA and SCSI drives.
Before you throw away a bad computer hard disk let Abiontec take a look at it. We recover lost data from hard disk. Before you give away your hard disk let us wipe it clean of any data!
--The Hard Disk Doctor.

Abiontec completed door Access Control Smart Card project for Canopy Hotels, Abuja.